film · alfonso cuarón’s stunning semi-autobiographical film roma is a drop in a bucket that expands and agitates into a foaming sea of release. this meticulous recreation of cuarón’s memories encompasses both quiet sorrow and roaring hope.
music · mar y espuma by acapulco tropical from our film’s historically accurate soundtrack is about love, anguish, longing, and belonging—like foam to the sea.
words i · jorge louis borges personifies the power and vitality of the relentless sea in his poem el mar.
drawings · these images by american-latvian artist vija celmins encapsulate the stillness and movement of waves—and of reality.
words ii · john steinbeck’s novella the pearl was originally accompanied with illustrations by mexican artist jose clemente orozco—one of cuarón’s favorite muralists.
photographs · gabriel orozco, one of cuarón’s favorite contemporary artists, plays with perception, reflection, and form in these 1990s photographs.